Artaflex, a leading provider of advanced electronics manufacturing services, is pleased to announce the opening…

Electronics for Aerospace & Defense – Artaflex A&D
Our experience & expertise in the Aerospace & Defense markets provides OEMs with complex electro-mechanical integration, box build & final assembly, interconnect & cabling services (custom interconnect), as well as NPI & prototyping for complex custom electronics systems & equipment. The aerospace & defense markets demand quality, certified, electronics systems & components – Artaflex offers that standard throughout every project.
In the Aerospace & Defence industry, products are often continually undergoing engineering changes that present a challenge to OEMs in terms of efficiency and cost optimization. Artaflex has the expertise and resources to cater to the manufacturing and quality demands of the A&D industry, not the least of which is our experience with cost competitive low-volume high-mix manufacturing.
We understand that all business face unique circumstances and challenges, and that is why we provide industry-specific services, and employees who are familiar with each industry. In-depth understanding creates better results. From simple consumer electronics to more complicated aerospace & defense equipment and systems, we take the time to understand the market in full and use that knowledge to make a more effective and successful product.
Artaflex A&D Services:
- Box Build / Custom Integration
- NPI and Prototyping
- Custom Interconnect and Cabling
- Custom Cable Harness Design
- Complex Electro-Mechanical Integration
- Simulators
- Defense systems
- Military power supplies